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Europeanization or Globalization of Social Inequality? ‘Determinants of income inequality in 15 European countries: 1993-2006’

The present study is based on the work of Beckfield (2006) who assesses the impact of European Integration on income inequality and furthermore on the work of Alderson and Nielsen (2002) who assess the impact of globalization on income inequality. The aim of the present study is a) to duplicate and control both studies with more recent data from the ECHP and EU SILC and b) to check if the effects of European Integration, as found by Beckfield (2006) hold a test by the globalization measures used by Alderson and Nielsen (2002). Our results show that both economic integration as well as migration as well as FDI outflow (commonly used as measures of globalization) have a significant and independent impact on income inequality

Hessel, P.