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Equalsoc and ECSR joint Summer School 2009 edition

Monday 31 August 2009 — Saturday 05 September 2009

The network of excellence on Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion (Equalsoc), funded by the EU Commission under the 6th Framework Programme, and the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR), decided to continue with the positive experience started last year and arranged a new edition of their joint Summer School.

The 2009 edition of Equalsoc and ECSR joint Summer School will be devoted to the analysis of both theoretical and empirical aspects of the educational inequalities and the impact of education on social inequalities that form part of several ongoing debates. Firstly among these debates there are the competing claims relating to the stability over time of educational inequalities versus declining educational differentials in most advanced societies. Secondly there is the relative importance of education based meritocracy against social inheritance as determinant of occupational destinations of individuals. Thirdly there is the discussion relating to the effectiveness of institutional features of school systems and school reforms in reducing educational inequalities and raising the level of social fluidity in contemporary societies. Apart from these core themes, the Summer School will provide two lectures regarding specific advanced statistical techniques used in the analysis of educational inequalities and the possible effects of school reforms.

The Summer School is also an opportunity to discuss PhD students’ and young researchers’ projects and papers.

As stated above, the Summer school will be arranged around a set of substantive lectures and a set of methodological lectures. They will be the following:

Substantive lectures:

Methodological lectures:

Equalsoc will be responsible for the substantive lectures, while ECSR will be for the methodological ones.


The Equalsoc and ECSR joint Summer School will be held in Trento at the Conference Centre Panorama from the 31st of August to the 5th of September 2009. About twenty Ph.D. students and young researchers will be hosted. Equalsoc and ECSR will find, following their own rules, the Ph.D. students coming from the respective institutions. Other Ph. D. students not belonging either to Equalsoc or ECSR will be selected according to the quality of their proposed papers.

More information: [email protected]